

The idea, that I have chosen to do for my Final Major Project is a mockumentary sketch called Clint. Clint will follow a puppet of the same name following him around his life in a human world. Clint is a social outcast at home and at college He believes that there is a prejudice against him because he is different. It is actually because he is the worst. Clint is annoying, loud, obnoxious, rude,agressive and just an all round horrible person. 

I personally feel, I can do lots of funny things with this idea, I feel that I




Conor Blake



Project Title


Unit No


Section 1: Rationale/Review (Level 2 approx 50 words, Level 3 approx 100 words)

Over the last two years, I have learnt so much. I feel that when I first started, I was very much a novice and now after two years, while there have been some challenges along the way, I am in a great position where I know exactly where my strengths lie and where I have to improve for this FMP. I feel comfortable with the genre I have chosen because I have previously done two projects where I have learned and research all the necessary skills to make it successful.

Section 2: Project Concept (Level 2 approx. 100 words, Level 3 approx. 200 words)

My concept for my Final Major Project is a mockumentary sketch called Clint. It will follow the titular character, Clint. Who is a puppet living in the human world, He lives with a human family and attends a normal college. Clint is a social outcast, His adoptive family, hate him and he only has one friend. Clint believes this is because he is different… it is actually because he is just the worst. Clint is annoying, rude, hostile, loud, obnoxious and just all round terrible.

I will be researching into mockumentary shows such as The Office (US) and The Muppets to understand the codes and conventions of making a mockumentary and well as being able to understand the cinematography, sound and editing of a mockumentary. I am also going to do some analysis of a few other videos such as Alfie by lily Allen which is going to be used as inspiration for one of the plot points in my FMP. As well as Iain Stirling: The Man who lives with puppets. I will also look back at my unit 9 project, which was also a mockumentary and look to see what I will do differently this time around.

Section 3: Evaluation (Level 2 approx. 50 words, Level 3 approx. 50 words)

I hope to be able to evaluate my progress every week by doing a short 30 second/ 1 minute summary of what I have done and what I intend to do next. This way I can not only keep track of my progress but know what I still need to work towards.




SWOT Analysis 

STRENGTHS:                                                                       WEAKNESS:

Story?                                                                                      Fmp?

Skills?                                                                                    Location or Interview?

Practical?                                                                             Time?

Interests?                                                                              Edit? (Audio, Visual or GFX) 

Opportunities:                                                                     Threats:

Jobs?                                                                                  Lockdown? 

Sources?                                                                             Money? 

Use?                                                                                   Time? 

                                                                                       Crew and  Equipment?



One of my main strengths would be my creativity. I am very good at coming up with concepts and developing them in my head before anything goes to paper. I feel that with my story I do not really have a strong message to convey, because my character is so unlikeable, there is no redeeming qualities about him. But I want people to understand that if you treat people properly, they'll do the same back to you.

My skills include my on camera work such as acting or presenting. And I feel one of my biggest qualities would be directing, and being able to get people to understand a vision in order to get it to come to life on screen. I also feel like I am very good at camera work because of previous experience with springboard and helping other people with their projects. 

My interests include: Puppetry and mockumentaries which are both going to be useful for my Fmp because I want to create a mockumentary using puppetry about this social outcast 


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